news – infinitus entertainment limited 夢造者娛樂有限公司-1号娱乐



據貓眼數據,由邱禮濤執導、劉德華監制並主演、劉青雲及倪妮 主演的拆彈專家2 上映第64天,累計票房超13.13億,…

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聲明函 – 有關假冒夢造者娛樂有限公司職員


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近日有一自稱靳姓男子,對外訛稱為夢造者公司職員,並為開拍中的“鐵探”電影負責拍攝及場地租用事宜。夢造者從未有 …

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the white storm 2 — drug lords as the country’s submission to the international feature film category at the 2020 oscars


the federation of motion film producers of hong kong has selected herman yau’s crime thriller the white storm 2 — drug lords as the country’s submission to the international feature film category at the 2020 oscars. …

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劉德華現身馬來電影《hantu kak limah》慶功宴


大馬瘋狂無釐頭喜劇電影《hantu kak limah》宣佈票房刷破馬幣三千六百萬令吉(大約6千800萬港幣),夢造者電影娛樂創辦人之一劉德華身穿白色西裝驚喜現身與全體演員及主創大拍「全家福」…

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hantu kak limah makes history with the highest box office of malaysian film, rm20.5 million


the hantu kak limah (hkl) film produced by astro shaw and infinitus gold continues to spark a phenomenon when it created its 4th record by collecting rm20.5 million in just 11 days of the show…

infinitus entertainment and china literature have announced a new co-production for the super ip “mysterious treasure”


infinitus entertainment and china literature announced a new co-production for the super ip ” mysterious treasure” today…

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“chasing the dragon” and “shock wave” won at the 37th hong kong film awards


congratulations to mr. philip keung on winning best supporting actor for his role in “shock wave”, and to the “chasing the dragon” team on winning best cinematography and best film editing…

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“best film” and “best movie actor” awards for j revolusi


“j revolusi” was awarded “best film” at the prestigious anugerah meletop era (ame) 2018 and its leading actress nur fazura was awarded the “best movie actor” award.

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(正體中文) <俠盜聯盟> 終極預告


(正體中文) 江洋大盜張丹(劉德華 飾)重出江湖,聯手搭檔葉紅(舒淇 飾)與小寶(楊佑寧 飾),在法國警探皮埃爾(尚雷諾 飾)的窮追猛打下,跨越歐洲盜取稀世珍寶。

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